Do you want to see your baby’s face before birth?

With this ultrasound the baby’s face, laughs and yawns are visible 3D/4D/5D. Sometimes we can see how the baby is attached to the umbilical cord, and other gestures in real time that brings tenderness to your family.

This is one of the most popular tests chosen by patients and family members. This because the ultrasound images are very attractive and reflect the external anathomy of the baby. The images can be with movement or without, the first one is commonly called fourth dimension. We perform it between the 10 and 39 weeks of pregnancy.

3D/4D/5D ultrasound vs. level III

Level III ultrasound is performed between the 20-30 weeks of pregnancy. In this ultrasound, a detailed anatomic estimation of every internal part (brain, heart, kidneys, etc.) and external part (limbs, skin, cranium, etc.) of the fetus is done.  While 3D/4D/5D ultrasound is focused exclusively in the external part or the baby’s image.

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