Dr. Federico Zapata

Academic and working background

Obstetrician-gynecologist with a master’s degree in Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery at the CES; diploma in Fetal Neurosonography at the “Universidad de Chile”, courses in fetal echocardiography and advanced 3D/4D ultrasounds in Miami. As well as other 23 courses, diplomas, seminars, symposia in different cities of Colombia, in Miami, Israel and Barcelona. All of them made in different areas of his specialty.

Zapata is member of the “Asociación Antioqueña de Obstetricia y Ginecología ASAGIO” in Medellin, of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Ginecology (ISUOG) in London; and also of the “Federación Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología” in Bogota.

Among his research papers stand out: “Giant ovarian cyst and laparoscopic treatment”, “Endouterine manual aspiration (EMA) vs. Instrumental uterine curettage in incomplete abortion under 12 weeks” and “Fetal monitoring in gestational diabetes”.

He worked in the women Institute at the “Clínica Las Américas”, “Profamilia”, “Saludcoop”, “Clínica de Antioquia”, “Hospital del Sur” in Itagüí, “Hospital General” of Medellín, “Hospital Manuel Uribe Ángel”, “Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe”, among others. Nowadays, he is the scientific medical director of MEDIMUJER and scientific advisor for radio and T.V in a local and national level. Read more

Dr. Alfonso José Uriza Carrasco 

Academic and working background

Radiologist with knowledge in body CT (CAT Scan), brain scan, Doppler, radiology and ultrasound in adults and pediatrics. Highlighting as a strength the pediatric imaging and the thorax radiology with a high-resolution CT.

Uriza worked in the department of pediatric radiology at the “Hospital Universitario de la Misericordia” in Bogota and at the “Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paul” in Medellin. He also took part in the “Hospital Universitario de Santa Clara” in the department of pediatric imaging and adults body imaging focused in “thorax imaging”.

Lecturer of pediatric topics in congresses about radiology, pediatric pulmonology and pediatrics.

On the other hand, he has made publications related to pediatric radiology and thorax radiology in congresses of radiology and pulmonology. Read more

Dr. Pedro David Charris Bocanegra 

Academic and working background

Obstetrician-gynecologist with a subspecialty in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the “Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana” of Medellín. He has taken part in congresses and symposia such as: Sexually Transmitted Diseases, in the Medical Management Controversies, in Apartado; Regional symposium of Perinatology, in Cali; Congress of Breast Pathology, in Medellin; XVIII Symposium of Fetal Heart and Brain Ultrasound, in Medellin; XIII Colombian Congress of Perinatal Medicine, among others.

He worked at the “Hospital General de Barranquilla”, “Hospital Materno-Infantil Niño Jesús”, Gynecologic-Oncology department of the “Clínica Asunción”, Laparoscopy Center, “Instituto de Reproducción” and at the “Instituto de Seguro Social Los Andes”, all of them located in Barranquilla. Besides, he worked at the “Clínica del Prado” in Medellín, “Clínica del Rosario”, among others. Read more

Dra. Natalia Lenis Córdoba 

Academic and working background

Obstetrician-gynecologist with a master’s degree in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the “Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona”. She has different studies on: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OUG), Morphology Ultrasound, Doppler in Obstetrics and Pelvic Ultrasound, basic and advanced Fetal Neurosonography and Echocardiography; among others.

With publications in Barcelona. Copenhagen and Cali. Lecturer in an international symposium of Reproductive Medicine and in a symposium of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Medellin.

She worked at the “E.S.E San Juan de Dios” in Santa Fe, Antioquia; at “Prosalco”, “Hospital General de Medellín”, “Hospital San Rafael” in Itagüí, “Clínica de Prado”, “Clínica CES”, “Comfenalco EPS”, “Clínica Las Américas”, “Cedimujer”, among others. Read more

Doctora Natalia Gómez Medimujer

Dra. Natalia Gómez

Academic and working background

Obstetrician-gynecologist with a master’s degree in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the “Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona”. She has different studies on: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OUG), Morphology Ultrasound, Doppler in Obstetrics and Pelvic Ultrasound, basic and advanced Fetal Neurosonography and Echocardiography; among others.

With publications in Barcelona. Copenhagen and Cali. Lecturer in an international symposium of Reproductive Medicine and in a symposium of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Medellin.

She worked at the “E.S.E San Juan de Dios” in Santa Fe, Antioquia; at “Prosalco”, “Hospital General de Medellín”, “Hospital San Rafael” in Itagüí, “Clínica de Prado”, “Clínica CES”, “Comfenalco EPS”, “Clínica Las Américas”, “Cedimujer”, among others. Read more

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